A look at Lp’s Masterclass in Denver - October 2023.
Read MoreSeth Godin calls these the REAL SKILLS for today’s workers.
We agree and it’s the basis of our coaching conversations.
Read MoreChurches that launch a residency are looking to move towards a new reality of leadership development for their future.
Read MoreA commitment to being this type of church is at the core of all we do. Perhaps you could evaluate your church or organization through these six criteria that have now become values that we try to live in to with our partner churches.
How would you rate your church in owning these six values:
Read MoreIf you are a church leader looking to grow or replace staff, the hits just keep coming. Man…this is fatiguing. Our team feels your pain. I feel your pain.
Read MoreThree Traps to Avoid That Will Just Waste Time:
The Over Engineered Trap. You think if you write the curriculum and iron out the process over the next year then you’ll be ready. THE TRUTH IS: No matter…
Is our church advancing?
Is our church a place where I believe someone could learn best practices for ministry?
Do I have a staff member who has proven they are a developer of people?
We led a series of round table discussion with dozens of church leaders with over 800 years of combined leadership experience in small and large churches in a variety of settings. We asked two questions: a.) what are you looking for in your next hire? and b.) why didn’t that last hire work out like you thought it was going to?
Read MoreWhat we believe in a baker’s dozen tweets.
Read MoreI'm old enough to remember 9-11, the downturns(s) of ‘06, the housing bust of '08, black Monday (when was that?) , and the Swine flu. These events changed us forever, but we always have reset to a new normal.
When this virus is over and we have once again normalized to our new normal we're still going to be wondering where your next staff leaders are coming from and asking the question "Who's the Next You?"
“What’s the secret of a Leadership Pathway Residency?”
Our team gets this question often. I normally think that those asking are hoping we’ve landed on something magical…a silver bullet of growing a future leader.
Someone recently texted me after listening to a podcast “thanks for the open-platform learning you are providing for us out here.” I thought “cool, there’s a platform? and it’s open?” Yes!
So in an effort …
Read MoreWe led a series of round table discussion with dozens of church leaders with over 800 years of combined leadership experience in small and large churches in a variety of settings. We asked two questions: a.) what are you looking for in your next hire? and b.) why didn’t that last hire work out like you thought it was going to?
Read MoreA commitment to being this type of church is at the core of all we do. Perhaps you could evaluate your church or organization through these six criteria that have now become values that we try to live in to with our partner churches.
How would you rate your church in owning these six values:
Read MoreIt’s going to take a new kind of leader to lead in the local church. And we need them now more than ever before. You don’t have to look intently to notice that our world is changing. As issues continue to get more complicated and divisive, church leaders are faced with new questions and challenges that need to be answered by a new generation.
This is what drives our passion for creating church leaders at Leadership Pathway. What we do is fueled by a passion to see a new generation of leaders prepared for ministry through the local church.
Read MoreI am a big believer in the next generation. I don’t buy into the negativity that often surrounds millennials in the workplace. Those negative voices aren’t talking the same students that I’m talking to. These young leaders are the not only capable, but they have passion and purpose, and want to see the church impact communities, reach their peers, and change the world.
Read MoreLeadership Pathway (Lp) matches potential ministry residents with churches that have committed to being a teaching church. We then coach the staff at the church in the best practices of equipping the resident for two years in 24Core Competencies in our coaching manual we’ve called a Guidebook.
Read MoreAbout five years ago I did a series of roundtable lunches with senior leaders of churches. I asked them two questions:
What are you looking for in your next hire?
Why did you, or your executive pastor, have to fire someone on your staff?
After speaking with about 80 leaders across denominations, and from churches of all sizes we landed at about 150 general answers. I took this spreadsheet and had it printed at Fed Ex Kinkos (it was quite large) and hung one copy on a co-worker’s wall, and hung one copy on my office wall.
Read MoreThe title for this post could be “You Should Start a Residency Program at Your Church Even if You Aren’t Ready” because I know some great churches who keep putting off pulling the trigger.
I blogged here before about the importance of residency, and why churches should move beyond short internships. Recently, I’ve had a few conversations with church leaders that I know would be great providing oversight to a resident leader, but they simply couldn’t get approval from their executive teams. “We’re not quite ready,” is the typical response.
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