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When is it?

Thursday, December 14th

12:00pm–2:00pm EST on Zoom (we will get you the link)

Cost: $295.00

Current Lp Partners and Spire Attenders: Email us for a 100% off promo code, and then come back here to register.


What is this?

A two-hour training session to teach you to think like a recruiter

Whether you are recruiting an intern or an executive leader, you’ll learn the “how-to” on building a referred pipeline of candidates.


Why apply?

We all have access to excellent tools online via web platforms and social media to use in recruiting, but what will give your organization the edge it needs to fill future staff roles? Join Leadership Pathway and glean from their 10,000 hours of recruiting expertise. They have interviewed thousands and landed hundreds into new ministry roles.

What you will learn in these workshops will help you recruit at all levels. 

This training will be live and will not be recorded.

Bring your questions, and get some answers.


What we’ll cover:

🛠️ Why you must build a referred pipeline for now and the future.

📈 Engaging your organization’s 10x reach

👷 How to build a recruiting team

🚀 X’s and O’s - how to launch

Current Lp Partners: Don’t forget to email us for a 100% off promo code, and then come back here to register.


Still have questions?

We’ve got answers.

Shoot us an email 👉


What people are saying…

“The passion and experience really came through. This was very practical help and a system we can implement. Excellent stuff!”
John, Senior Pastor | Church of 500

“Thank you for this and for answering my questions, too!”
Nancy, HR director | Church of 1,200

“While it does feel like I’m always recruiting, I’ve never had a way to do this other than just alone by myself. This training gives me very specific help on how to bring others along!”
Mandi, Residency Director | Church of 3,500

“Our team benefited greatly from the online training and so appreciated hearing from a professional outside our own organization the importance and yet also the simplicity of the strategy. After the training was over, we stayed in the room for just 10 minutes and generated 50 names between us! It was a good exercise for our team and proved the method wasn't difficult or costly. Thank you so much for inviting and teaching us!”
Meredith, Sr Director Guest Partnerships | Glorietta Camps

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