Posts in mental wellness
Avoiding Burnout in Residency and in Ministry

It’s that time of year again! In ministry, the holidays can result in weariness with busy schedules and juggling expectations at home, yet, it’s the prime time in which people in the community often explore the Church and who Jesus is. How can we best serve others and help them meet Jesus if we, ourselves, are running on empty? The reality is, we can’t!

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Helping Young Leaders on Your Team Navigate Mental Wellness

Stefanie Rowe LPC, LIMHP is a licensed counselor and Strengths Coach in Omaha.  As a wife, mom, Christian University professor, people helper, elder and on the teaching team at her church, Stonebridge Christian Church, she has a unique view into current and future church leaders. She seeks to empower them to lead and love those who are on their team and within their reach who have mental wellness concerns.

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mental wellnessDave Miller
Overcoming Being Overwhelmed

Being overwhelmed with a pile of work can be daunting. It is especially troublesome early in a career of ministry. Potentially someone on your team is in their first “real” job. This could be a resident or the youngest and greenest among you.

“I can’t do it. I can’t keep up. Will this ever slow down? Maybe ministry isn’t for me,” began a coaching conversation I recently had. I’ve had a version of this conversation many times as a coach. And I admit I’ve had it many times in my head with myself, too!

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