Leadership Pathway

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Shiloh Community Church

Shiloh Community Church is located in the town of Orleans, MI. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone to grow through pastoral experience in a smaller context serving students.


Expected Work Hours: 32 hours a week

Expected Monthly Pay: $1,500, plus housing in a host home.

What are your greatest hopes and dreams for the next couple of years for your church?

To transform our surrounding communities with grace and truth by equipping and mobilizing  the congregation to live out the Great Commission.  

• To build the reputation of being a church that loves people well and helps them become the  person God created them to be.  

• To be a church that trains and sends people into ministry locally and globally.  • To be a church that glorifies God with our words, actions, attitudes, and choices. 

Why did you choose to do a residency & what are you hopeful will happen through this process?
We want to equip and empower people for a life of ministry. Residency is one way that we are  investing in this pursuit. 

What is it like to work on staff there?
Shiloh Community Church is a loving and supportive family. We work as a team, each person  bringing their strengths, talents, passions, and gifts to the table. We want to help each other  continue to grow as followers of Jesus and give God our best effort. 

Does your church’s website state the mission, vision, values and key distinctives of your church? Please paste the link: Shiloh Community Church is a multi-generational church that is a part of the Converge  MidAmerica network of churches. Our desire is to see individuals, families, our community and  our world transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our mission to help people come to  Christ, grow in Christ, and serve for Christ.  

Our ministry center is located in the rural community of Orleans, MI. Our average weekend attendance is around 300 with people coming from just down the road as well as people from  the neighboring cities of Ionia, Belding, Greenville, and beyond. 


Please describe the current staff structure.
Our staff currently consists of: 

• Senior Pastor  

• Associate Pastor 

• Office Administrator 

• Part-time Worship Leader 

• Part-time Children’s Ministry Director

• Part-time Youth Ministry Leaders 

• Part-time Custodial Team 

• Part-time Bookkeeper

What qualities does it take to “win” on staff at your church?
We are striving to faithfully serve God with our best, to love one another well, to develop new  servant leaders and volunteers, to help people take their next step in following Jesus, and to  continue to grow as followers of Jesus Christ. 

Who will the resident report to? 
The Ministry Resident will report to the Senior Pastor, the Associate Pastor will act as a coach,  and a ministry leader in the church will act as additional pastoral care support for the resident. 

Are there particular assessment tools that you prefer when exploring  potential staff people? 

Myers-Briggs and DiSC assessments would be helpful.  

Are you affiliated with a particular denomination or tribes/association of churches? If so, what websites could one investigate to gain further understanding?
Shiloh Community Church is a pastor of Converge MidAmerica https:// 


We would also be comfortable with a resident with a Restoration Movement background. 

What is your average weekend attendance?

How many conversions has your church had in the past 12 months? (however you define this and whatever you count)

What percentage of people are involved in a small group?
Currently about 25%. We have a couple of campaigns planned in the next year to increase small  group involvement. 

What is your church known for in the community?

Shiloh Community Church has a reputation for being a compassionate church.

How much are you planning on financially compensating your resident?  Is it set or is it flexible?
$1,500 per month plus housing. This is flexible. 

What are the expected work hours and what does a typical work week look like for this resident?

Work hours are flexible and vary based on ministry needs.
Office hours are Monday - Thursday from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
We offer three worship gatherings on Sundays 9:00 AM; 10:45 AM; & 6:00 PM.

There will be times when they will serve in Student Ministry on Sunday evenings instead of weekend services.
 What else would you say to a resident considering joining your team?
Community Church is a loving and supportive congregation. This is a great place to discovery what it means to be the church.