LifePoint Church

LifePoint Church is located just miles from Lake Tahoe in Minden, NV. There are multiple opportunities here in either worship, students, or kids ministry.


Expected Work Hours: 40 hours per week

Expected Monthly Pay: 1,000 per month + housing

What are your greatest hopes and dreams for the next couple of years for your church?
We love hearing some version of this as we talk with people in and around our valley:

“LifePoint is my church, these are my people, and LifePoint has influenced my story.”

People may use different language, but if you asked just about anyone on our staff, they would say some version of this. We love playing a small part in the greater work that God is doing in and through people. These stories are what keep us going, what we celebrate, and how we know if we’re influencing people for God’s Kingdom.

Our hope is to be a part of, inspire, and celebrate as many people’s stories of life-transformation as possible in our valley and beyond.

Why did you choose to do a residency & what are you hopeful will happen through this process?

Recently our staff went through an extensive coaching and development process where we discovered we were all passionate about four key areas — one of them being the desire to develop people.  A residency at LifePoint is a tangible way of putting to action this desire to identify and develop the next Leaders for our church and beyond. 

Our hope when developing people is to inspire them to love our people, our area, and our mission so they’ll want to stay and be a part of the great things God is doing through our church. 

What is it like to work on staff there?
LifePoint is a great place to learn, fail, have fun, be challenged, and lead people. We have a culture that honors effort, values results, and is passionate about seeing people taking their next step in faith as they follow Christ. 

We frequently check-in with each other as we “care about you, before we care about what you do.” We try to balance an “excellence” and “make it better” philosophy with intentional care and connection as we do ministry together.

Does your church’s website state the mission, vision, values, and key distinctions of your church? Please paste the link:

Please describe the current staff structure.

LifePoint is a church that is led by two Co-Lead Pastors with the support of and accountability to our Board of Directors and Board of Elders. We also have a Pastoral team that functions as our Executive team; a team of Directors who are the leaders of staff and volunteer leaders; and finally Coordinators who accomplish many of the day to day tasks and projects needed for ministry.

What qualities does it take to “win” on staff at your church?
We first try to win with each other.  We believe a healthy staff culture is pivotal to successful and meaningful ministry, so were intentional about making our culture and our teamwork better.  Secondly, we measure wins by people taking their next step, rather than how many people come to events, to church, or to our trainings. Your wins are determined by what you celebrate, and we celebrate next steps of faith!

Who will the resident report to? Will there be a different person acting as a coach?
The LifePoint Kids resident will report to the LifePoint Kids Pastor primarily, and will be coached along and supported additionally by the other Pastors on staff, including the Lead Pastors. 

The LifePoint Students or Worship will be coached along by their respective leader, either the Pastor of Spiritual Formation, or the Pastor of Community.

Are there particular assessment tools that you prefer when exploring potential staff people?
We use Strengthsfinder, Myers-Briggs, a spiritual gifts assessment, Enneagram, and DISC to get a picture of who people are. We accompany these with conversation and hearing people’s stories.

Are you affiliated with a particular denomination or tribes/association of churches? If so, what websites could one investigate to gain further understanding? LifePoint is a non-denominational church without any outside denominational influence.

What are the key doctrinal and theological issues where alignment is essential?

We are a gospel-centered church, which means we know and grow in our knowledge of what the Gospel is: God created, God commanded, we rebelled, God rescued, we respond.

We have, support, encourage and hire women for leadership positions at our church, including pastoral and teaching positions. We believe women can and should hold positions of influence and leadership.

We believe in the gifts, empowerment and movement of the Holy Spirit in the lives of leaders and that we honor Him when we plan well, work hard, and use the gifts He has given us for His glory.  

We believe in both reaching the lost and equipping the saints.

What is your average weekend attendance?
About 400-600 in person, with about another 100-300 online.

In general, what is your church demographic?
Like most churches we have a mix of life stages, age, interests, and religious backgrounds. 

We have a good amount of people who come from a catholic (about 25%) or irreligious background (our area is 95% unchurched), as well as people who have come from churches in other states as they’ve moved here.

Many people move into the area after retirement, or for the outdoors lifestyle. We have a large amount of retirees, business owners, and healthcare and educational workers.

In terms of age, our church has continued to get increasingly younger, but we primarily have a mix of families and retirees.  About 20-25% of our weekend attendance are children and students.  

Is there more than one site or venue? If so, please describe.
We do not currently have an additional physical site, but we do have church online and treat it like it’s own “campus.” Someday we’d like to plant a campus!

How many conversions has your church had in the past 12 months? (however you define this and whatever you count)
We would probably put salvations and baptisms together for this, as we’re looking to help people commit their lives in addition to the moment they give their lives Christ. But both are good!

Over the last 12 months, we’ve baptized about 35 people, and about 15 people we know of give their life to Christ.

Since we only do Baptisms a few times a year, over the last 18 months we’ve baptized about 123 people, and have had over 30 people give their life to Christ.

What percentage of people are involved in a small group?
Somewhere between 30-40% not counting women and men’s specific groups.  With them, it’s about 60% or so.

How much are you planning on financially compensating your resident? Is it set or is it flexible?
We’ve budgeted to compensate each resident at a rate of $1,000 a month.  Currently we don’t have plans to increase this, though we would definitely consider during their review after a year.

What is your church known for in the community? 
We’ve heard that we’re known as a church with: A great kids ministry, a heart for serving the community, good teaching, and doing things with excellence.

What are the expected work hours and what does a typical workweek look like for this resident?  

Work and development hours are expected to be about 40 hours a week.  Much of this will be hands on ministry experience, with about 1/4 of the time dedicated to their personal development.

A typical work week (depending on the ministry) is usually spent preparing, planning, and performing for how that ministry contributes to the greater mission and vision of LifePoint. 

We “prepare” by: meeting regularly to improve our interpersonal relationships; having discussion about ideas; evaluating what we’re doing and why; and seeing how we can adjust.  

We “plan” by: using our current strategies or coming up with new ones; communicating well with staff and volunteers; looking as far ahead as we can; and coming up with big projects and small tasks to help move us forward.

We “perform” by going and doing what we’ve prepared and planned for!

What else would you say to a resident considering joining your team?

We’re looking to learn from you too!  Our ways aren’t the best ways, they’re just our ways.  We’re always looking to improve, learn from, experiment, and grow as leaders.  You’re going to have something we lack, gifts we need, and a passion that will help make others better. Thank you in advance for helping make us better, even as we develop you for a life of ministry!