Chapelstreet Church
Chapelstreet Church is a multi-site church of 2000 in the greater Chicago area. This would be a great place to learn worship ministry.
Expected Work Hours: 20-30 per week
Expected Monthly Pay: $1,667 - $2,500 based on anticipated hours
What are your greatest hopes and dreams for the next couple of years for your church? As a family of neighborhood churches, we strive and hope for our church families and their neighbors to experience Grace, grow in faith and make and impact.
Why did you choose to do a residency & what are you hopeful will happen through this process?
As part of our mission to equip, we believe it’s our responsibility to mentor future Christian leaders to successfully lead in ministry either here at Chapelstreet or elsewhere in God’s Kingdom. Part of the neighborhood church vision is to multiply our ministry and outreach to the neighborhoods God calls us to reach.
What is it like to work on staff there?
If princess bride is your favorite movie, you’ll succeed here… The Chapelstreet staff is composed of hard-working people dedicated to their calling and mission.
We value…
1. One Team – We believe we’re at our best when we pull together.
2. Trust the Net – Innovate. Attentiveness to God’s direction and being willing to try new things. “This is the way we’ve always done it” is not always the best option.
3. Build Your Bench – Equipping others is the best way to grow the church. Developing others is key to healthy ministry. We are stewards of ministry, not owners.
4. Cover all the Bases – To be unclear is to be unkind. We try to give and receive feedback regularly, because we believe it’s the best way to grow.
5. Go to the Park – Sacrificing your family or well-being on the throne of ministry will not work here. Your physical, emotional and spiritual health is key to healthy ministry.
Does your church’s website state the mission, vision, values and key distinctives of your church? Please paste the link:
Please describe the current staff structure.
An Executive Council made up of lay leaders oversees the Lead Pastor who is charged with leading the staff. There is an Executive Team made up of the Lead Pastor, Executive Pastor of Ministry Operations, Executive Pastor of Community Life, Executive Pastor of Family Life, Executive Pastor of Campus Life and Executive Chief of Staff. The Leadership Team is made up of the Executive Team as well as additional pastoral staff and area directors.
What qualities does it take to “win” on staff at your church?
Living out our staff values while fulfilling the mission of Chapelstreet Church. Jesus first!
Someone who takes the gospel seriously but not themselves.
Someone who is seeking to elevate their own personal platform will not do well on staff here.
Someone with a “one-team” mindset - valuing the collective effort to see the message of Jesus Christ impact the lives of those around us.
Who will the resident report to? Will there be a different person acting as coach?
Anton Kompare (Pastor of Worship).
Are there particular assessment tools that you prefer when exploring potential staff people?
Working Genius, Strengths Finder
Are you affiliated with a particular denomination or tribes/association of churches? If so, what websites could one investigate to gain further understanding?
Converge MidAmerica -
What are the key doctrinal and theological issues where alignment is essential?
Agreement with our Statement of Faith. We come from a Baptist tradition, so we practice believers baptism by immersion.
What is your average weekend attendance?
Combining all campuses, approximately 2,000 weekly attenders
In general, what is your church demographic?
Primarily families with kids at home. The majority of our congregation are white.
Is there more than one site or venue? If so, please describe.
We have 4 campuses. Two are located in Geneva, one is in the Mill Creek Neighborhood of Geneva/Batavia and one in North Aurora.
How many conversions has your church had in the past 12 months? (however, you define this and whatever you count)
At Chapelstreet Church, we practice believers baptism by immersion and that is the primary way we track conversions. In the last 12 months our records indicate there have been 97 baptisms.
What percentage of people are involved in a small group?
40-50% of adults
What is your church known for in the community?
Shepherd’s Heart Care Center, and great events for families
How much are you planning on financially compensating your resident? Is it set or is it flexible?
The compensation will be $20,000 - $30,000 annually depending on the hourly availability.
Estimated 20 hours per week would be $20,000.
Estimated 30 hours per week would be $30,000.
There is little flexibility on this compensation range.
What are the expected work hours and what does a typical work week look like for this resident?
20-30 hours.
Worship Resident: Most weeks learning from and participating on worship teams, primarily at the Keslinger Campus, but also touring other campuses. Each week will involve elements of professional development from members of our leadership staff as well as with members of our congregation. On top of the LP soft skills program (20 competencies), the worship resident will spend time each week learning the different “hard skills” from planning and executing a service, volunteer development, songwriting and recording, worship production and some technical training.
What else would you say to a resident considering joining your team?
Development and growth is essential. Always strive to get better at what you do, looking for new and innovative ways to accomplish the tasks in front of you. Whether you land on the staff here or somewhere else, we’re excited to see what God is doing in your life and be a part of your development for impact in God’s Kingdom.