Esteban Neave: My Leadership Pathway

I didn’t choose ministry; ministry chose me. 

My background in volunteering and leading began with sports. I was captain of my high school soccer team, and I helped lead kids’ soccer camps while I was in college. 

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I was tapped by those leading the Next Generation Ministry at my church to consider residency as a possibility. I now serve as the Kids Resident at Restoration Community Church in Denver, CO. I know that God is growing something inside me that might not have grown otherwise. I’ve been saying, YES to things that scare me and trusting that God has me here for a reason. In return, I’m being stretched, gaining experience that has helped me now confidently be certain of my future in ministry. 

You should look for a residency program like this one, and if you’re at all considering ministry, I’d say that’s probably the Holy Spirit nudging you to do this.

I’m Esteban Neave, and this is my leadership pathway.

StoriesDave Miller