Leadership Pathway

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Kaleb Bolton : My Leadership Pathway

Kaleb Bolton currently serves as the Discipleship Team Resident at Bethany Christian Church in Washington, IN. He also spends designated time with the Family Ministry team, specifically with high school ministry and Kids, birth - 4th grade. Kaleb and his wife, Graysen have had a lot of fresh adventures unfold for them. They’re newly married serving in a different church and region of the country, not to mention their latest surprise, little baby Bolton due to arrive July 2023!

Some Q & A With Kaleb:

Why Leadership Pathway? I chose Leadership Pathway to help me on this journey, because it was the only organization I knew that helps people start in ministry with a residency; plus, I was ready to be finished with college and take my next step.

How have the first few months been? I admit that I expected to start fast and have a lot of responsibility put on my plate early; I thought I was ready for a lot of responsibility right at the beginning. God had a different plan for starting my residency. I began slowly, with little to no responsibilities.The days were long, and I did a lot of reading then. Looking back now, I can see that God was teaching me patience and preparing me for when the full weight of ministry did hit and the responsibilities grew.”

What would you tell other leaders about resdidency? By having residency at your church, you can help be part of the solution to helping people start and stay in ministry. Plus, if you are in the position of needing to hire someone for a specific ministry role, starting someone at the residency level is a great way to get to know the person and how they work within the staff before having them join your staff full-time. I can say that I have learned more about God, myself, and how the church operates than I had learned during my time at a Christian college.

I’m Kaleb Bolton, and this is my leadership pathway.