Values of a Teaching Church

Dr. Gregory Ozark, Chief Residency Doctor at Loyola Chicago, once said, “There are great hospitals and there are great teaching hospitals…just don’t confuse the two.” We think the same is true of teaching churches for ministry.

We are always trying to find ways to succinctly say what we care deeply about. We hold six shared values with churches which we partner with...

We want more FOR them than FROM them.
This isn’t about cheap labor.
Your resident will know the truth about themselves.

This is on us!
Your resident is not yet ready for ministry. You know best how to get them to that point.
Your resident will have a clear plan because the course of action is always in front of them.

The only win is for them to be hirable and highly desired.
This is not a gap year program…this is more than an internship.
Your resident will be employed full time when their time is finished.

We address what education and spiritual formation doesn't.
Education and Spiritual formation are necessary, and we assume this is happening elsewhere.
Your resident has a better shot at surviving their first three years of full-time employment.

We believe in what you are doing.
They will observe, and gain experience in, a church that is
advancing in the core functions of a modern church.
Your resident can make an immediate impact in a
church that is growing and advancing because of this experience.

The church needs leaders & will only work best when it is led well.
Your resident must feel the weight of volunteer leadership.
Your resident will have great answers to the question: “What have you been leading & building?”

residencyDave Miller