Leadership Pathway

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Eastern Hills Community Church

Eastern Hills Community Church is a young and growing church in the far eastern suburb of Aurora in Denver. The staff is young and dynamic. Opportunity in kids ministry.


Expected Work Hours: Full-time
Expected Monthly Pay: $150/week reimbursement on expenses

What are your greatest hopes and dreams for the next couple of years for your church? We want our church to be a place that our community learns following Jesus makes life better. We are for our community and for our families!

Why did you choose to do a residency & what are you hopeful will happen through this process?
We want to be a church that is raising the next generation of leaders as they experience the reality of ministry. We believe we can support and build leaders who are capable, kind, and inspired to continue to grow in ministry.

What is it like to work on staff there?
Our staff culture is really important, our teams would say that they really enjoy working here. We work hard and don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Does your church’s website state the mission, vision, values and key distinctives of your church? Please paste the link:

Please describe the current staff structure.
Directional Leadership Team (DLT): Decision making leadership team consisting of Lead Pastor, Executive Pastor, Operations Pastor, and Human Resources Pastor

Department Heads: Family Team Pastor, Reach Out Pastor, Grow Deep Pastor, Creative Director

Teams: Grow Deep, Reach Out, Partner with Families, Operations, Creative

Volunteer Teams

What qualities does it take to “win” on staff at your church?
We have a feedback loop culture, this often takes humility as well as willingness to grow. We have fun together and genuinely like to work together!

Who will the resident report to?  Will there be a different person acting as coach?
The Kids Resident will report to our Family Pastor.

Are there particular assessment tools that you prefer when exploring potential staff people?
Enneagram, insights, strengths finder, and working genius.

 Are you affiliated with a particular denomination or tribes/association of churches? If so, what websites could one investigate to gain further understanding?
North Point Partner (https://northpointpartners.org/)

What are the key doctrinal and theological issues where alignment is essential?
Following Jesus makes life better, we don’t take a political line or side

What is your average weekend attendance?

In general, what is your church demographic?
Young families and adults, less young adults.

Is there more than one site or venue? If so, please describe.
We are currently a single-campus church with plans to plant more in the coming years. We have an online campus that is thriving in this season and continues to grow.

 How many conversions has your church had in the past 12 months? (however you define this and whatever you count)
We had 77 baptisms last year.

What percentage of people are involved in a small group?
25% of attenders

What is your church known for in the community?
We are known for saying “many churches are known for what they are against but we want to be known for what we are for...we are #foraurora”

Our community knows we take care of physical and emotional needs (Marketplace food pantry, Christmas Store, Mountains of Mercy(Thanksgiving), Divorce Care, Counseling resources, etc).

Our community knows we have non-churchy and real conversations with relevant worship, teaching, and ministry.
Our community knows we have spaces for families with great care of birth-high school programming

How much are you planning on financially compensating your resident?  Is it set or is it flexible?
$150 per week in reimbursement for living expenses as well as housing


What are the expected work hours and what does a typical work week look like for this resident? 
40 hours per week. Flexible, similar to the rest of our family team. Students work Wednesday and Sunday night.


What else would you say to a resident considering joining your team?
Three words: Location, Location, Location! In all seriousness, we are just outside of Denver which means you have access to an amazing downtown area, mountains, lakes, and so much more. We are also a young staff which means we are always looking for new and innovative ways to do what we do. We love creating and playing with new technology so there is plenty of room to grow and learn.