Leadership Pathway

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What We Believe in a Baker's Dozen Tweets


We help those who want to be in ministry get a job. #hirable #highlydesired

We believe if you are called gifted passionate & you want to be in ministry, there’s no reason you can’t get there. #path

We believe every future leader deserves a proven path and a trusted guide. #residency

We believe leaders must be educated & have a heart for God. But there are gaps that need to be addressed that do not fall in education or spiritual formation. #softskills

We believe those that go through a Christian University or Seminary need to make good on the Kingdom’s investment in their life. #ministry

We believe the biggest untapped potential for church leadership is on a University campus...who cares what they’re majoring in...

We know that growing churches hire best from within. This is why residency is key. #residency

We believe that a church that is advancing (not just getting bigger) is the best place for future leaders to learn how to do ministry. #bestPractices

We believe leadership is theorized in a classroom...it is only learned in the field. #trial #error #failure #ouch

We know that church leaders are concerned about where their next leader is coming from. #joinus

We know that the biggest growth lid facing churches is not money, facility, or content. It’s people. It’s leadership. We’ve been talking about it forever, but it’s still true. #ItsAboutLeadership

We’re with our Canadian friend @cnieuwhof...we need more leaders and fewer pastors. Leaders lead pastors. We need leaders.

We believe this is on us. #residency